ReWARD Project
Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database
the Milan Section 
INGV - Rome

R/WAR italian deep seismic data

From early 2001, the Research Institute on Seismic Risk (IRRS) of the italian National Research Council (CNR), became the Milan Section of the new National Institute on Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), because of the Law decree n. 381/99.
The Working Group who managed the web-site DOL from 1997 to 2001 at the address moved into this new Institution (INGV - Milan Section), and continued to update the web information and seismic data archive content moving all the material from CNR to INGV at the new address (this job was carried out in the 2001, finishing at December '01).

2002 For an effective advencement of the project in the new Institutional frame, an INGV 'DOL' Working Group is appointed: Meroni F. (Coordinator), Maistrello M., Augliera P., Rubbia G.  Other possible collaborators: Camassi R., Musacchio G. (INGV-Milan).
After a meeting at Cilea, still open problems were valuated (step 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Contract). Possible solutions were examinated; the whole source porting is considered (MySql). Cilea lab. presents an updated picture of the database structure [html]
Final Report of the W.G.  [html files: text  annexed ]. Management's decisions and plan for the project relaunching (5 steps). A call is made to look for possible other INGV Collaborators.
Cilea-Ingv agreement for a complete porting of the database: from the 'Informix' platform to a new open source version (MySQL). Hosting of the old web-site will be freely mainteined on the Cilea server up to the end 2003. A new and 'light' version of the project is valuated (new name proposal: 'ReWard' - Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflection Database). A provisional web-site was set up.
Archive content: old digitized data retrieval, both from Basic_Hp diskettes (local processing) and IBM tapes (Bocconi University and a local Company); progress in the archive construction.
Further experiments on Cilea software modules; development of new tools for site-administration and data processing; new html-pages writing with an extended bibliography; poster presentation at EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly (Nice, 6-11/4); oral presentation of the Calabrian-arc subset at 22nd GNGTS Meeting (Rome, 18-20/11); conclusion of the contract, with final porting of the full project into an Ingv-Mi PC.
Due to some emergencies, the database part of the project is suspended. The final version of the project will be a well organized dataset (archive) of active seimic italian data. In the web-site other additional information will be added, regarding the shot-points and the recording stations data. Furthermore, a selected but complete bibliography will be inserted. A first application using ReWard data is prepared for the XXIX ESC in Potsdam.

The new web-site, which illustrates the Italian deep seismic exploration by means of R/WAR data is now available for consulting at the cited address. Seismic data (waveforms) are freely available on CDrom upon request.

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