ReWARD Project
Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database
Unit of Milano 
INGV - Rome

R/WAR italian deep seismic data

Lennartz Mars-88 data processing - few notes

For a proper Lennartz MARS-88/FD(1) digital seismic
data processing, an ad-hoc procedure was created and implemented, as already done for previous project. It has two funcional steps: data retrieval (MS-DOS enviroment) and further data processing (Matlab(2)-environment):

(1) Lennartz Electronic GmbH. website  [ link ] - list of Mars-88 Operating Manuals available at INGV-MI (2011): here
The MatWorks (2004). MATLAB: the Language of Technical computing  [ link ]
Scherbaum F. et al. (1999): "PITSA: User Manual"  (ver. 5, Jan. 1999) [ link ]
Lennartz electronic GmbH. (1990). Unsupported Mars-88 DOS software.  [ rar files: before year 2000  after 2000 ]  [ user manual ]

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