ReWARD Project
Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database
Unit of Milano 
INGV - Rome

R/WAR italian deep seismic data

Selected ITALIAN CRUST and UPPER MANTLE data: maps, numerical models, etc .
Some main results, including controlled source seismology (CSS) data results. For a detailed reference, please see the 'biblio' link below.
ITA Moho depth and Vp/Vs ratio from teleseismic receiver functions  [ pdf ] Piana Agostinetti & Amato, 2009  
updated 3-D Adriatic-European-Tyrrhenian lithosphere system  [ pdf ] Di Stefano et al., 2009
" earthquake Tomography (seismic velocity and Vp/Vs ratios)  [ pdf ] Scafidi et al., 2009
" Lithosphere-asthenosphere in Italy and surroundings  [ pdf ] Panza et al.,  2008
" Crust / upper Mantle / seismicity   Solarino & Cassinis [2006]  [2007]
" Crustal Velocity (passive seismology)   [ pdf ] Li, Michelini et al., 2007
" Database of first-arrival times picked on all DSS profiles and mean 1D velocity model  
[ pdf ]
De Luca et al., 2004
" Alps vs Apennines   [ pdf ] Carminati et al., 2004
" 16 interpreted crustal sections and depth of Moho boundaries [ html ] Cassinis et al., 2003
" Synthetic map of Moho from CSS data, receiver function, tomography [ jpg ] Chiarabba C. (task 2.3 in
Amato and Selvaggi, 2003)
" Velocity structure of Mantle under Italy   [ www ] INGV-RM1, Seismology dept.
" Crust / Upper mantle structure from inversion of P-wave: geodynamic implications  
[ pdf ]
Di Stefano et al., 1999
ANI 3-D Upper Lithospheric P-Velocity model from DSS data [ pdf ] Di Stefano et al., 2003
" Upper mantle structure beneath the Alps (teleseismic tomography)   [ pdf ] Lippitsch et al., 2003
" 3-D Crust-Mantle Boundary modelling  [ pdf ] Waldhauser et al., 1998
" Recent seismicity data base and preliminary 3D tomographic results [ pdf ] Solarino et al., 1997
W/A 'Ivrea' body and Alps-Apennines system (earthquake tomography)  [ pdf ] Scafidi et al., 2006
" Deep crustal structure  [ pdf ]     Schmid & Kissling, 2000
C/EA Petrographic interpretation of Crust/Mantle transition  [ pdf ] Musacchio G. et al., 1998
Subduction Structure of the Northern Apennines (RETREAT exp.) Margheriti et al., 2006
" Deep crustal roots inferred from teleseismic receiver functions [ pdf ] Mele et al., 2003
AP/C Moho deepening and shallow upper crustal delamination  [ pdf ] Di Luzio et al., 2008
Upper Crust structure of Umbria-Marche region  [ pdf ] Mirabella et al., 2008
Deep structure in Central Italy (passive seismology)  [ pdf ] Amato et al., 1998
AP/S Deep structure in Southern Italy from SAPTEX array data (2001-2004) [pdf] Cimini et al., 2006
TS Lithosphere-Asthenosphere & volcanism  [ pdf ]
(with useful tables of geophysical data for selected cells)  
Pontevivo & Panza, 2006
=Italy; ANI=Alps and Northern Italy; WA=Western Alps; EA=Eastern Alps; C/EA=Central/Eastern Alps
      AP/N=Apennines (North); AP/C=Apennines (Central Italy); AP/S=Apennines (South); TS=Tyrrhenian Sea, Calabrian arc and surrounding

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