ReWARD Project
Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database
Unit of Milano 
INGV - Rome

R/WAR italian deep seismic data

      Some processing guidelines (by Prof. I.Guerra(*), 2002)
  • Analogical Data (DSS): A/D processing & viewer
Input file
1...N   A/D data files ('ETH' Format)
Dss.exe VB
bin [ example ]

  • Digital Data (WAR): M88 processing - Basic and Matlab modules
Basic processing (.bas files)
Matlab processing (.m files)
Input file
SW Type
Out/Inp file name
O/I File SW O-file
Navigation (ship)
data file(1)
1)  FileNAV A

" Estrlst.bas
2)  FileLST A

 M88 data
(1...N data files)
3)  FileSEZ

Video.m(3) 4) SecFILM
[ example ]

University of Calabria - Cosenza (I)

File Types:  'A' = Ascii; 'B'= Basic; 'VB'=Visual-Basic; 'bin'=binary; others: Matlab files ('.m')    
  (1)  these navigation-data files must be obtained from the Scientific Coordinator of the shooting program [see info]

  (2)  Estrai.m a Matlab source code; when launched you are requested of::
  • Input file names (1) and (2)
  • 'In-line' / 'fan' choosing option (1 / 2)
  • Distance or Azimuth range (if option 1: Dmin, Dmax; if opt.2: Azmin, Azmax)
  • Time window (sec)
  • Decimation factor, starting from the first seismogram (if 1, all data will be extracted for processing; if 2: seismogram 1,3,5,...)
  • Time correction factor (≠ 0) when ship and receiver times are different (for instance: GMT and CEST)
  • N. of secs before the reference 'T0' time (corresponding to the '0' value in the 'reduced' Times axis (Tabs - (Dist/Vred))
  • N. of traces to be mediated (a simple tool for signal to noise ratio enhancement)
  • optional: final Output file name (for a faster re-processing)
  (3)  Video.m a matlab subroutine; when launched you are requested of:
  • Input file name (3)
  • Distance axis: Dmin, max (mm)
  • starting seismogram n.
  • plotting decimation factor (1=all seismograms will be plotted)
  • amplitude factors: normalization and/or amplification (exponent)
  • trace editing (first and last part of seismograms)
  • graphic options: title of the picture and/or printing      
    For both Estrai.m and Video.m you can read the Author's directions for use:   [ estrai.m ]   [ video.m ]

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