l'archivio italiano delle registrazioni sismiche a rifrazione/riflessione a grande angolo (R/WAR)
the Web Archive of the italian seismic refraction/wide angle reflections data (R/WAR)

  versione: Primavera 2000
  release: Spring 2000
first DOL-Team and Collaborators (CNR-IRRS/CILEA contract: 1996-2000)
Maistrello Mariano(1) Coordinator     Other temporary Collaborators, active in different steps and times:
  • Biella G.(2), Leonoris C. and Zappone A.(4): seismic data and info retrieval
  • Demartin M.(6): software design (release '98)
  • Arvati P. and Miglioli P.(3): software developers (GIS and Java applications)
  • Rodda L.(5): software developer (digitizing: first BASIC Hp modules)
  • Morrone A.(2): electronics (new PLL module, after a first version by Secomandi P.(6))

Corsi Adelmo(2)   check & control software developer 
de Franco Roberto  master data plan and design  
Camnasio Maurizio(3) scientific database design  
Ferrari Riccardo   web software developer
1)  now: INGV - Sezione di Milano - Via BASSINI, 15   - 20133 MILANO [before Jan. '01: (6)]

2)  now: CNR - IDPA - Via Mario Bianco, 9   - 20131 MILANO [before Jan. '01: former (6)]
3)  C.I.L.E.A. - Via R. Sanzio, 4   - 20090 SEGRATE (MI)
4)  State University - Geoph. Dept., Milano
5)  EtCeTera SrL - Milano
6)  former CNR-IRRS - Via Bassini, 15   - 20133 MILANO  [cancelled after Jan. '01]

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