ReWARD Project Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database |
Unit of Milano |
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1961-'72: O.G.S Marine Geophysical surveys In the years 1961-1972 the Experimental Geophysical Observatory of Trieste (O.G.S.), carried out several marine geophysical prospectings in the Mediterranean sea. Starting from '69 also seismic reflection surveys were carried out, using digital recording systems and various seismic sources. The geophysical lines, mainly seismic, have been compiled, studied, interpreted and published by the Authors in the following Volumes of the B.G.T.A(*) |
Year |
Authors | Vol., N., pp. |
Title (and study area) |
ref. geophysical survey |
execution years |
km total |
notes |
1970 | Finetti I., Morelli C. and Zarudzki E. |
XII, N. 48 311-347 |
Reflection seismic study of the Tyrrhenian Sea |
map |
seismic lines MS 1...13 | 1969 |
2.920 |
first partial results |
1972 |
Finetti I., Morelli C. |
XIV, N. 56 291-342 |
Wide scale digital seismic exploration of the Mediterranean Sea |
map |
Full compilation of seismic lines MS...
1969 1970 1971 1972 |
2.920 3.600 4.000 5.080 |
full compilation and reporting |
1975 |
Morelli C., Pisani M., and Gantar C. |
XVIII, N. 66 127-168 |
Geophysical studies in the Aegean Sea and in the Eastern Mediterranean |
map | bathymetry, gravity and magnetic " " " seismics |
1961-'64 '68-'71 1969-'72 |
-- |
global tectonic model |
1982 |
Finetti I. |
XXIV, N. 96 247-312 |
Structure, stratigraphy and evolution of Central Mediterranean Sea |
map |
seismic lines MS 14, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 33, 50, 60, 68, 69, 71 |
many |
-- |
" |
In order to retrieve all these data in a useful and digital database, a new Project was designed and financed in the framework of the EC 5 Programme: |