ReWARD Project
Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database
Unit of Milano 
INGV - Rome

R/WAR italian deep seismic data


ETH format

SEG-Y  format

Label of the seismogram

Shot site name

Component of the seismometer

Geophone mnemonic

Label of the instrumentation

Receiver site name

Origin of the digital wave-form

Recording instrument type (IASPEI)

Distance shot-station (Km)

Distance from source to receiver (meters)

Azimuth from shot to station in degrees

Azimuth of receiver from shot in minutes of arc (IASPEI)

Mean sampling rate (samp/s)

Sample interval in microseconds

Duration of the record (s)

Sweep length in milliseconds

N. of samples

No of samples in this trace

Station elevation (m)

Receiver group elevation

Value of the pre-amplifier input (uV/count) ?


Exponent of the data-word

Data in nanometers/sec (IASPEI)

Gain exponent of the modulator on land ?

Initial gain in dB?

Gain exponent of the modulator on process ?

Low-pass filter setting on land

Low cut slope

Low-pass filter setting on during step

Low cut frequency

Signal polarity sign

Year first sample

Year  of start of trace

Mo  first sample

Julian day  of start of trace

Day  first sample

Hour  first sample

Hour  of start of trace

Min  first sample

Minute  of start of trace

T0  first sample

Second  of start of trace

Rec time validation flag

Flag to signal that ttrace has been used to modify trace start time (IASPEI)

Year shot

Shot or trigger time - Year  (IASPEI)

Mo   shot

Shot or trigger time - Julian day  (IASPEI)

Day   shot

Hour   shot

Shot or trigger time - Hour  (IASPEI)

Min   shot

Shot or trigger time - Minute  (IASPEI)

T0   shot

Shot or trigger time - Second  (IASPEI)

shot time validation flag


Station latitude, degrees

Group coordinate Y

Station latitude, minutes


Station longitude, degrees

Group coordinate X

Station longitude, minutes


Shot elevation (+/- m; -m in the case of sea-shooting)

Sourface elevation of source

Shot – point latitude, degrees

Source coordinate Y

Shot – point latitude, minutes


Shot – point longitude, degrees

Source coordinate X

Shot – point longitude, minutes


Batimetry (-m; 0 if shooting on earth)


Total charge of seismic explosive (Kg)

Charge size in Kg (IASPEI)

N. of charges used for the shot


Mean depth of the charges

Source depth


Coordinate units

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