ReWARD Project
Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database
Unit of Milano 
INGV - Rome

R/WAR italian deep seismic data

European GeoTraverse (E.G.T.) 1986

general MAP (1)

Italian additional in-line and fan Profiles(2)
in the frame of the CENTRAL SEGMENT(3) [map]

Italian western profiles (in line and fan)
Italian central profiles (in line and fan)

Italian eastern profiles (in line and fan)
[ italian SHOT-POINTS data]

Buness H.,  1992.  
  Krustale Kollisionsstrukturen an der Rändern der nordwestlichen Adriaplatte.
  FU-Berlin (1992). Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe B, Band 18; 226 pp.

Maistrello M. et al., 1991.
   Compilation of seismic data (additional Profiles and Fans) 
   in Northern Apennines, Po Plain, Western and Southern Alps.

  CNR-IGL, open-file Report, part A: 24 pp., part B: 56 plates, February 1991.

Aichrot B. et al., 1990.
   A compilation of data from the 1986 European Geotraverse Experiment (main Line) from Genova to Kiel.

  Uni.-Karlsruhe, Geophysical Institute, open-file Report 90-01; February '90.