ReWARD Project
Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database
Unit of Milano 
INGV - Rome

R/WAR italian deep seismic data

Redrawn after: 

Ansorge J.,  Müller St., Kissling E., Guerra I., Morelli C., Scarascia S. (1979).
Crustal section across the zone of Ivrea-Verbano from the Valais to the Lago maggiore.    B.G.T.A, XXI, 83, 149-157.

Italian Explosion Seismology Group and Institute of Geophysics, ETH, Zürich (1981).
Crust and upper Mantle structures in the Southern Alps from deep seismic sounding profiles (1977, 1978) and surface wave dispersion analysis.   B.G.T.A, XIII, 92, 297-330.