ReWARD Project
Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database
Unit of Milano 
INGV - Rome

R/WAR italian deep seismic data

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Redrawn after:
CROP-ECORS Deep Seismic Soundings Group (*), 1989.
Mapping the Moho of the Western Alps by wide-angle reflection seismics. Tectonophysics, 162 (1989) 193-202.
Hirn A., Nadir S. (IPG, Paris), Thouvenot F.(LGIT, Grenoble), Nicolich R., Pellis G. (IMGA, Uni Trieste), Scarascia S. (CNR-IGL Milan), Tabacco I. (Geophysical Inst. Uni Milan), Castellano F. (O.V. Neaples), Merlanti F. (Geophys. Inst. Uni Genoa).